

Is there a restriction carrying a Trachtenmesser to Wiesn?

I know that they are sold there. I saw something on the internet where people were being searched before entering the grounds?

Thank you,

Franklin, Wisconsin USA


Reply by Marion

Hi Ed,

No weapons of any kind are allowed on Oktoberfest grounds.

With hundreds of thousands of people at the Wiesn at any time, it's just too dangerous.

Even though I have never been searched, I know that the security takes their job very serious. Maybe I just look too innocent?

Some of my male friends have been asked to open backpacks or show their jackets to the security guide.

Anyhow you shouldn't bring a knife to the tents. Even if all the people are peaceful, you never know what goes on in a drunk mind and there can be easily done harm.

Have a great time!

By the way, you can download my ebook The Ultimate Oktoberfest Guide at Amazon Kindle.

It has the answer to all questions you might have, including the one about knifes.

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